
About us.

The Emerald Party US is an independent political party with a unique focus on stewardship, sovereignty and eliminating government corruption through direct political action.

​We stand upon the four pillars of non-violence, ecological wisdom, justice for all, and democracy in governmental policy.

​We call for the abolition of corporate citizenship exclusively in favor of human sovereignty and ecological stewardship.

​With your help, we are diligently raising funds to build state affiliates, gain ballot access in 50 states and register voters.  Once we hold a convention and ratify a platform, we will apply for recognition as a national party with the Federal Elections Commission.

About Emeralds:

Emeralds and their brilliant color have been associated with sovereignty, loyalty, peace, growth, security and the heart.  How better to name an independent political party determined to end government corruption through truth and transparency!  The color is also associated with wealth and abundance.  The government we choose must serve to make all of people of America wealthier with each generation, not more and more indebted wage-slaves.  It is time for “the Jewel of Kings” to represent human sovereignty, human citizenship and human achievement for all Americans.

​We particularly like one description:  “Emerald hues denote balance and support our capacity to create an equilibrium of positive emotions between our minds and our hearts.  It infuses vitality and enthusiasm by restoring depleted energy.  It nourishes our capacity for unconditional love, in both ourselves and others.” –Rainbows of Light, The Psychology of Colors




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