Emerald Party US Issues Declaration of Sovereignty
Contact Information: Zac Moore, Chair, Emerald Party US
Social media: @emeraldpartyus
Savannah, GA: On February 14, 2024, the Emerald Party US issued a “Declaration of Sovereignty” on its website. The Declaration text and video describe reasons for launching a new national political party outside of the two major, corporate parties. Emerald Party US Chair, Zac Moore, said, “Independents need a political party that opposes perpetual, senseless wars, puts pragmatic solutions first before bizarre ideologies, and upholds our American values of truth and transparency. America must end corporate citizenship, blatant corruption, and abuse of power running rampant in the halls of government if voters want a sustainable economy that works for all Americans. For far too long, Americans have been lied to about our government and must now rethink how government serves its citizens. Join the Emerald Party and decide the future!” The Emerald Party US Board including Zac Moore, Christine Shahin-Wood, Chad Wilson, Richard Idriss, and Joe Oddo, are available for comment upon request.
The Emerald Party US is a political party with a unique focus on stewardship, sovereignty and eliminating government corruption through direct political action. It stands upon the four pillars of non-violence, ecological wisdom, justice for all, and democracy in governmental policy. The party calls for the abolition of corporate citizenship exclusively in favor of human sovereignty and ecological stewardship. Efforts to create a new national party called “Emerald Party US” began in 2023 and have evolved into a formalized structure to create state chapter affiliates, register voters, and fundraise for ballot access drives across the country. After holding a convention, the Emerald Party US plans to apply for national party recognition with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Emeralds and their brilliant color have been associated with sovereignty, loyalty, peace, growth, security and the heart. This is a perfect fit for an independent political party determined to end government corruption through truth and transparency! The color is also associated with wealth and abundance. Americans’ elected government must serve to make all citizens wealthier with each generation, not into more and more indebted wage-slaves. It is time for “the Jewel of Kings” to represent human sovereignty, human citizenship and the remarkable human achievements of the American people.